Introducing the Fairy Tale Litter!

All of these puppies have found their forever homes 🙂

On Friday 5th of June, Luna gave birth to 7 healthy, beautiful babies.  Luna is a stunning girl, who has kids in the ring doing her very proud, including MBISS, RuBISS, MRuBIS and MBIG winners!! We are excited to see what she produces for us this time.

‘Luna’ – Sup Ch Blueamble Stelaluna x ‘Boom’ – Ch Aolani’s Maisilva Sonic Boom (Imp USA)


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Black Tri Boy 1 (NBT)                                        Black Tri Boy 2 (Full Tail)

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Red Tri Boy (Full Tail)                                    Blue Merle Boy (NBT)

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       Blue Merle Girl 1 (NBT)                       Blue Merle Girl 2 (NBT)


Black Tri Girl (NBT)

2 week photos

4 week photos

7 week photos